Friday, November 18, 2011

17 November

Despite spitting up lots of my food over the past couple days, I've been digesting enough to get my weight back up to 4 lb. 3 oz., my previous max!  Now I'll see if I can keep it going up from there.
Mom came by in the afternoon and held me which was nice - I had been being kind of fussy for Nurse Jane, but calmed down for Mom to show her I like being held.  I was working on making a poop while she was holding me but didn't quite get it finished until later.

I'm still getting fed over 90 minutes, which is helping me do a little better with avoiding spitups today (no major ones in the a.m.), but still having pretty large residuals and pushing a lot back up through my feeding tube.  In fact when Nurse Samantha was trying to pull vent some of the air out of my stomach, I pushed a bunch of food back so quickly it shot out the tube and got all over the *outside* of my ventilator and even onto Dad's shoe!
My breathing, on the other hand, has been very good.  I've had relatively few spells with my CPAP holding steady at 21% oxygen and as of today the air pressure reduced to level 4 from level 5.  If I can keep doing this well they think they may be able to take me off CPAP soon - that would be great since I'm sick of having these stupid tubes in my nose!

After I was done pushing up my food all over, I got swaddled up and went back to sleep for the rest of my feeding.

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