Saturday, November 19, 2011

19 November

The big board says I'm still 4 lb. 3.7 oz., though I'm suspicious that they just haven't updated it since yesterday since I certainly FEEL bigger.  What do you think?
One change from yesterday is that they put me in a new incubator.  As far as I can tell it's the same (keeps me warm?  check.) but a little different model, the top doesn't come up on this one.

However, that's minor compared to the breathing news.  You might notice that unlike yesterday when I had just one tube - a feeding tube in my mouth - now I have these tubes in my nose (including my feeding tube, which was moved there to keep me from pushing it out of my mouth again (see previous posts from yesterday and the day before).

Long story short, I was desating when the doctor examined me this morning, so they decided to put me on nasal cannula to give me a little assistance (only 0.5 L flow - better than my sister who's on a full liter).  And it's still at 21% oxygen so really I'm not getting that much help.  And it does allow me to keep breathing even when I'm mashing my face into the bedding:
Anyhow, highlight of the day was when Mom and Dad came to visit and I got to kangaroo with Mom for almost two hours!  I was a little fussy at first but then settled down, and didn't have any major desats the whole time which is pretty impressive for me (last time I kangarooed with Dad I got so relaxed that I forgot to breathe OR beat my heart, which apparently is not good....).

 I actually slept pretty well there - Mom's comfy!

I should also note that I was getting my feeding while being held, and didn't spit up any of it!  I think having the tube in my nose instead of mouth and getting fed over 90 minutes instead of 60 both help with that.

When Mom had to put me back so she could go pump, Nurse Brittany put me back in my incubator and dressed me in some clothes Grandma A had sewn from doll patterns.
I was a little upset about this - party because I wanted ninjas on my clothes and instead got teddy bears, but mostly because I thought this meant they weren't gonna wrap me up anymore and I like my boundaries!  Thankfully, that turned out not to be true.  In fact, it's even better since now I get a hat that doesn't come with a chinstrap like the stupid CPAP headgear - yes, I realize it's a little big, but this is the smallest the patterns come!

After the hat was on they swaddled me back up nice and cozy...
... which as you can see made me pretty happy!  After that I drifted off to sleep pretty quickly.  Sweet dreams to me!

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