Saturday, November 19, 2011

18 November

(note:  big news below!)

4 lb. 3.7 oz. today so starting again to put on a little weight (probably helps that my feedings are back to normal and I'm not spitting up so much!).
I am, however, still having some issues keeping my feeding tube in - spit it out and had to have it re-put in this morning marking the third time in the past two days.

Dad came by to visit while they were trying to put it back in, and I showed off by having a cow for him:

Luckily he caught my "I need my pacifier" look...
 .... and obliged me to calm me down.
When he left they told him they were thinking of trying me off CPAP, which meant I had a big surprise for Mom when she came later - no more of THIS nonsense all over my head:
Instead you can see my whole face for the first time in forever:
Mom was pretty pumped about that (as was Dad when he came back later to pick her up)!  As for me, I had just one thing to say:  Hooray!

I took full advantage of the freedom by trying out some new facial expressions now that I could actually move all parts of my face.  What do you think, any keepers?

I personally like the last one, it has a good skeptical look to it that I'm sure I can put to good use!

Anyway, breathing on my own tired me out so after they got me swaddled back up I pretty much passed out for the rest of the day.  Hope I can stay stable on this overnight!

1 comment:

  1. The last picture of him looking at the camera is great!!! Glad I can keep up with their progress!!
