Saturday, November 26, 2011

26 November

(sorry I'm low on pictures today, but not my fault - I can do all the posing in the world, and it doesn't do any good if my parents don't have the camera ready!  Also, most of their visit Dad was holding Rory and Mom holding me which according to them makes it tricky to take pics.  Again, not my problem.)

Up to 4 lb. 8.1 oz., not much of a gain but I'll take whatever I can get!  Also, I did a lot better with my breathing and heartrate overnight, probably because I was back on caffeine, which meant I was allowed to try breastfeeding today.

When Mom and Dad first arrived this morning I was bundled up and hiding in my blankets, nice and toasty!

Mom took me out and I had my first attempt at breastfeeding.
I was able to latch on and drink a little bit, even though not a full feed.  Pretty good for my first time though I think.

Afterward she held me for another hour and we had a good little visit - I even opened my eyes for awhile!

Then Nurse Cathie helped put me back in my crib, and I immediate made a massive poop which both her and Mom were impressed by - though I think Mom might also have been relieved it didn't happen while she was holding me in case my diaper leaked...

I woke up for a little bit again in the crib to check out what was going on and say hi to Dad after he was done holding Rory.

But that took a lot of energy (moving my eyes around takes a lot of muscle control!) so I went back to sleep pretty much immediately afterward.  Good night!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH for caffiene!!!:) Hope your mom and dad are holding has been a long journey for them already...keep up the great work little guy!!!:) We continue to pray for all of you!
