But a little weight gain is hardly the big news of the day. Take a look, notice anything different?
That's right, I'm out of my incubator and into a big boy crib!
So far so good, the nurses say I've been regulating my body temperature well outside the incubator - though truth be told I'm cheating a little by staying buried inside a pile of blankets...
(the blankets also make it easier to hide it from the nurses when I'm trying to pull my nasal tubes out - no luck so far but I'll keep at it!)
More big news today, though no pictures since Mom forgot the camera - the occupational therapist came by this morning and gave me my first try at bottle feeding! And not to brag, but I did pretty darn well for my first stab at it - didn't even wake up completely and still took 18 ml from the bottle. They said I can try again tomorrow (they want to ease me into it, which is good since it's a lot more work than just getting food through the tube) so we'll see how that goes.
Anyhow, a couple of big steps today! I'll sleep well tonight and give the bottle another go tomorrow morning....
Good night!
AWESOME! Way to go Benjamin!!!! So happy for the progress you are making! Keep it up big guy!!!!