Monday, December 12, 2011

10-11 December 2011

Mom and Dad had stayed overnight Friday night so they were here for my morning feedings.

Dad did my temperature and diaper for my 5:30 a.m. feeding.  Since he woke me up, I decided to play a little trick.

I had a full diaper so I waited until he got it off and started putting on the next one, then pooped in that one.  So he waited a minute while I pretended to be finished, then pulled that one off and put on a third one, and I immediately pooped in that one!  So he ended up having to use four diapers to change me - what a way to start the day, huh?  I was amused, even if no one else was...
Ain't I a stinker? (in more ways than one - ha ha!)

Mom breastfed me for my 8:30 feeding, and I was hungry!  I ate great, and in fact they had to pull me away before I was done because I'm still only allowed to get part of my feeding that way, they wanted to gavage part of it - but I got 25 ml, or about half my feeding, before they made me stop, so that's good!

I went back to sleep while the rest of my feeding was gavaged.

Then I half-woke for my 11:30 feeding when they changed me (no tricks this time, I was too sleepy and just wanted to get it over with)

Once I was half-awake, though, I decided to try out some new expressions for Mom and Dad to see how they liked them.  I think they're getting better and picking up my little nuances.  What do you think:

Not sure?  In order, those were:
- why did you wake me?
- forget this, I'm going back to sleep
- there's going to be a present in my diaper when you go to change it
- too cool for school (which is fine since I don't have to go to school yet)
- remembering the trick I played with the diapers earlier today
- faking being asleep
- peeking to see if they believe that I'm asleep
- actually asleep

Don't worry, no quizzes on those (yet!)

On Sunday Mom and Dad were once again there in the morning, and Mom had another good breastfeeding session with me - it helps when I'm awake!

Of course, eating is a lot of work so I took a break after that to get some rest.

But I'm getting better at knowing my schedule and woke up when I knew when it was time to eat again - though I didn't really want to get out of my nice warm swaddling.

Dad said I had to get out to eat though, so I obliged - plus it was a chance to show off my latest outfit - it's called a "sleep sack" and is really comfortable - though I'm not sure someone less secure in their masculinity could pull it off, since it kind of looks like a dress.

Anyhow, after the usual temperature and diaper rigamarole, Dad gave me a bottle and I did well, taking the full 20 ml I was allowed.

I got the rest via gavage after.

After my feeding the doctor came by, and had a little bit of not-so-good news:  he thinks I have a hernia.  Luckily it's not painful so they're letting it go for now, but said that there's a decent chance I'll have to have a surgery to repair it before I go home.  Boo!

I guess maybe I should back off the weights a bit, or at least not strain so hard when I'm going number two!

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