Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

Same old, same old:  still working on my feedings.  Took three of my four feedings completely via bottle last night, and two full ones today plus another where I ate 30 out of my 55.  So that's progress, but still a ways to go unfortunately.

Dad came at the normal mid-afternoon time and found me awake and already licking my chops ready to eat.  And practicing my Vincent Price impersonation.

So he fed me, and not to toot my own horn, but I did great, took not only my full 55 ml feeding, but an extra 5 as well!  So that's good.  I was even hungry for more afterward, but they didn't give me any since I'm on a strict schedule here.

(editor's note:  Ben appears to have forgotten to mention that while he did eat a full 60 ml from the bottle, he also had a major spit up - nose, mouth, everything - right afterward where at least half of that came right back out, and he had a short brady episode while doing it.  Here's the area of my pants it got onto after overflowing her spit cloth:
That's not a shadow, that's wetness.  So I wouldn't exactly call his performance "great" - and this also explains why he was hungry immediately after:  much of his feeding had already gone right back out his mouth.)

It being New Year's Eve and all, I also had to get ready to hit the town.  Not sure yet what I'm doing - trying to keep my options open - but I can guarantee whatever it will be, I'm not doing anything halfway:  it's high-class for me all the way.  So I had Dad put on my tuxedo so I'd be set for whatever parties I decided to hit.  Check out the amazing transformation:

from baby-in-the-hospital:
to man-about-town:


Of course, when you look this good everyone wants their picture taken with you so Dad took a few.  Notice how he kept trying to make sure we were both in the photo:

Once I was all gussied up I was wide awake so Dad stayed and hung out with me awhile.  First we did some tummy time:

Then we read a couple books.  We started with the recorded book from Grammy and Grand PJ; I liked hearing their voices (editor's note:  Grandma and Grandpa K got a version of "On the Night You Were Born" with their voices recorded on a chip in the book so it reads along when you turn the pages) but found the story kind of boring.
So we switched to something with a lot more action - and great black-and-white pictures!

It's got everything:  a car driving, a cat stretching, a child smiling.  What a story!

After that we just sat for awhile.
Then I told Dad to head home so I could rest up for the big night out.  So that's it for me, have a great New Year's Eve everyone, and I'll see you in 2012!

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