Tuesday, December 6, 2011

4 December 2011

Hanging steady at over 5 pounds:
Parents visited separately today.  Dad came first, in the morning after church.  He found me sound asleep as usual, getting my 8:30 feeding through my tube:

However, when I started crying that woke me up.  Dad changed my diaper (it was wet) which made me feel better even though I still gave him my customary skeptical look.

Since I was being a bit fussy, the nurses suggested he take me out and hold me and I did - had visited with Mom last time I was awake so it was nice to have a chance to visit with Dad when my eyes were open for once!

Okay, so they weren't open the whole time, but they were for awhile before I fell asleep:

I woke up again briefly when he put me back in my crib so I could say goodbye, then passed out again.

Mom came by later in the day, and in what can only be described as some sort of miracle, I was awake AGAIN - that's right, TWICE in one day!  Moreover, I had been doing well on my breathing so they took out my nasal cannula (which I was pretty happy about - those tubes in my nose were getting annoying!)
I was a little sleepy but since Mom was there I took the opportunity to try out some new expressions I'd been working on.

Then I asked her what she thought.
She said they were cute but that I looked cold and should wear my hat.  Sheesh!  Moms, right?  But I let her put it on to humor her.
We had a good little visit there so it was a nice day getting to see both my parents.

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