5 lb. 6.3 oz. - hoping I can hit (and stay above) the 5.5 pound mark tomorrow.
Not a whole lot to report today; pretty tame after a busy weekend. I had an eye doctor appointment earlier in the day which went fine although it tired me out a bit - not as stressful as last time, though, since I'm getting used to the exams!
I was recuperated enough to wake up for Mom's visit this afternoon.
Since I was awake, she tried breastfeeding me and I ate like a pro - they're not sure exactly how much I took since I threw up a bunch of it before they could weigh me (Mom had a nice outfit on, though, so I took pity on her and waited until the nurse was holding me to throw up) and even still had at least 38 ml left in me based on the weighing, so I probably took in around 45 (almost a whole feeding!) to start with
Immediately after Mom left I was a little sad (Dad was still there but he was visiting Rory at the time so that doesn't count) so I made myself have a little bradycardia episode to let her know I was sad she was leaving, but she didn't come back in and instead a nurse had to come and help me get my heartrate back up again. After that I was pooped so went back to sleep!
Big day tomorrow - first vaccinations! I'll let you know how those go, I'm not looking forward to it....
(okay, I know this is going to sound a little conspiracy theorist crazy, but I wonder if some of this stuff that's no fun - eye exams, shots, etc. - is just to get us annoyed enough with being at the hospital that we develop faster to be ready to go home. I admit it's a long shot, but still it's wise to keep on your toes and not trust The Man (in this case the hospital workers), you know, better safe than sorry... I'll run this by Rory and see what she thinks....)
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