Wednesday, December 14, 2011

13 December 2011

Weight holding steady at 5 lb. 8.1 oz.  I'm also doing better with my feedings in terms of not spitting as much up - sure, I sometimes spit up immediately after eating but I'm not doing many after, I think because I'm getting better at pushing out my poops without pushing food back up into my mouth.  So fingers crossed that that keeps up since it's a lot more comfortable sleeping when my face and blanket aren't getting covered with spitup every ten minutes! (and I guess it's better for helping me gain weight to keep my food in as well).  Check out how clean my mouth is:

Dad came to visit this morning, and I greeted him with a wave when it was time to do my temperature and diaper.

Little did I know that after my diaper change (during which I managed to NOT poop for a change), it was time for my first vaccination shot.  I was not real happy about that and cried for awhile even though I had my pacifier and Nurse Maria had put some sugar water on it to distract me (I can't believe they think I'm that easy to distract - "sure, a little sugar and he won't notice us sticking this giant needle into his leg."  Really?)

I did recover enough to take a bottle from Dad; I ate about 20 ml from the bottle and then was worn out (I think the shot had something to do with it) and had a little apnea episode, which I blame on the shot.  And then to add insult to injury (literally) the OT told Dad the best solution when I do that is to make me cry so I "exchange oxygen."  Millions of dollars of medical equipment, and their best solution for getting me oxygen is to make me cry?  Weak.

Anyhow, after all that I needed a rest so got swaddled up and went back to sleep while the rest of my feeding was gavaged.

You'd think all that would be enough for one day, but shortly after someone came to do my hearing exam.  However, once the nurse explained that the test worked best if I was asleep, and I didn't actually have to do anything, I was okay with it.  Sleep I can do.

So they hooked all this equipment up to me to measure my brain waves while they played a quiet (35 dB nHL) click into my ears.

I passed with flying colors very quickly - way faster than Rory did, probably because she's not as good at laying still as I am (Mom and Dad said she's more like Dad and I'm more like Mom that way).  Check out my diploma:

Not much exciting happened the rest of the day; I was mainly resting and recuperating from my shot.

They tried to wake me up for my 2 p.m. feeding but I pretended to stay asleep so they'd leave me alone and just pump the food in for me.

I had a couple more brady/apnea episodes in the afternoon, but was feeling better by around 5, so I did wake up to visit with Mom and do some breastfeeding for my next feeding.

And I think that's it.  Hopefully no more problems with my breathing for the rest of the night - they said I'm not allowed to go home if I'm still having those problems, so I'm working hard (when they're not sabotaging me with shots) to avoid any problems.  Wish me luck!

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