Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5 December

Guess who went on a trip today?  That's right, we moved to Special Care!

Let me explain in order.  Weight down a hair, perhaps because I had some spitups and a couple giant poops, but still over 5 pounds:
Mom and Dad came by in the afternoon just in time for my 5:30 changing and found me still breathing fine on my own without the cannula.
Dad unwrapped me to do my diaper and I got compliments from him and Mom on my stylish monkey outfit.  What can I say - I like clothes decorated with animals!

However when they opened my clothes to change my diaper that woke me up and I did my best to help by keeping my arms out of the way (actually I knew I had poop in my diaper and didn't want to get any on my sleeves, but figured it couldn't hurt to tell them I was doing it just to be helpful)

That latter one's me getting startled by Mom; I looked away for a minute and forgot she was standing there and then was surprised (though happy) to see her.  They said I reminded them of Grandma and Grandpa's narcoleptic forgetful cat Tigger who apparently would forget everything he ever knew about every fifteen minutes.  I never met him, so hard for me to say... wait, what was I talking about?  (get it?)

Oh, right, getting my diaper changed.  After it was done they swaddled me back up and I put on my stoic face....

...for the journey to Special Care.  Mom comforted me and let me know it would be okay and she would stay with me, which was nice since I'm not used to being wheeled more than about ten feet and here we were going on a fifteen minute ride!

Nurse Nancy took the lead and drove me over to Jackson (I had been in Perot) which is where Special Care is.  I got to go on TWO elevators which was exciting!

When we arrived in special care I found I had a fancy new wooden bed waiting for me so they got me situated in there, moved to the new bed (well, I stayed in my plastic crib but instead of being on a metal cart it's now on a wooden one), and hooked me up to the new monitors.  Check out the size of this room - I'm living the high life! 

After all that excitement I was ready to go back to bed, and was already asleep by the time Rory arrived - she's in the other half of the room but I have my own TV so that's good.

Anyhow, more from Special Care tomorrow but I need my beauty rest now!

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