Friday, December 23, 2011

23 December 2011

Well, what I had thought was Rory being moved to another room yesterday was apparently her getting to go home.  According to the doctor she was ready to leave but I'm still not until I can take all of my feedings more regularly.  Boo!

So now I'm attacking my feedings with double urgency, and the doctor said I'm doing better - took over 91% of my total food via bottle or breast today, only needing less than 10% of it gavaged.  She said if I can
get that number up a little higher maybe I can go home during this next week.  Fingers crossed...

Mom came by in the morning and found me sleeping for once - probably because Rory wasn't keeping me awake with her screaming (there's at least one advantage to being here alone now!).  I was also in a new room since they moved me out of the twin room into a single for the rest of my stay here.

Since I was sleeping so well, I wasn't too happy when Mom set off the flash on her camera and woke me up with the brightness!

When I woke up Mom breastfed me, and I did pretty well taking 38 ml that way and then another 5 via bottle.  So I still needed some gavaging, but not too much.  Hopefully can do a couple full feedings myself later in the day.

After that I went back to sleep.

.... and then when it was time to wake up we went through the same routine again, with Mom wanting me to get up and me wanting to stay asleep.  I have a feeling this could be a scenario that continues playing out again and again for years to come....

Now I need to get some rest so I have energy to eat - I want to go home soon too!  Wish me luck!

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