Did not do so well at my next feeding at noon. Dad tried giving me a bottle, which would've worked fine except:
(a) I was still asleep
and (b) the nurse had put those disgusting vitamins in it, which I had NO interest in eating since they make the milk taste gross. We worked on it for awhile and by the end I took about 3/4 of my 52 ml feeding, but it was a grind to get there! (and would not even have gotten that far had Dad not given up on the vitamin milk at one point and switched me to the regular milk which I at least took some of)
Ironically, I woke up more after that feeding and didn't go back to sleep in between that and my next one. Mom and Dad were watching me a bit so I gave them a wave:
...and then went back to my usual thoughtful musings for the rest of the break before my 3 p.m. feeding.
Mom and Dad both left in the afternoon (after Mom breastfed me at 3) but Dad came back for my 6 p.m. feeding to find me once again wide awake. However, my sister decided that her 5:30 feeding would be a great time to take forEVER to finish her bottle, and though I was trying to wait for Dad, I was getting so antsy that finally the nurse fed me. Sorry Dad, can't wait (and blame Rory for taking too long, not my problem that I need to eat)!
That did, however, give Dad a chance to get some good pictures of me eating and burping after he was finished with Rory.
After my feeding was over, I did get a chance to visit with Dad which was nice. I stayed awake for awhile...
... then got nice and comfy and fell asleep (and I think Dad wanted to fall asleep too once we sat down!)
When he was ready to leave he put me back in my crib but I didn't even wake up - out like a light! Gotta get ready for tomorrow, it's another big day of eating!
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